W/C 4.2.2025
Hello Everyone
How are you this week. As we start February there are lots of new opportunities and things I wish to share, that I would love you to get involved with. You can be part of a coproduction with one of our providers looking to introduce a service in the Crewe/Nantwich area which I have attached the details on in this bulletin. Also coming soon, I will be including an invite to a coffee morning for you to go and have a look at a new day opportunity in Knutsford, so please pencil the 4thMarch 2025 in your diary.
Here is my bulletin this week I wish to share with you.
- David Lewis Centre Co-Production Meeting for the Reaseheath Project – are looking to launch day opportunities in the south of Cheshire East and are looking for families and our young people and adults to go along to a co-production meeting they are hosting next week on the 12thFebruary and learn more and participate. Please see the attached information and invitation they would love to share with you they would very much live everyone to be involved.
- Choice Support Valentines Disco, Sandbach – being hosted at Sandbach Rugby Club. Please see the poster with all the details for this late-night event taking place on the 13thFebruary to celebrate Valentine’s Day, this is for adults 18+ who would like to meet new people, make new friends or come along with their friends. Everybody is welcome. Here is the Eventbrite link to book tickets https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/choice-support-smallwood-cheshire-cw11-2un-90537526183
- Cameo Friendship Group, Macclesfield – please see the attached poster with further information about the group that takes place at the Salvation Army in Macclesfield every Tuesday.
- Cheshire Cheese LGBTQ+ – please follow the link for the latest news and information lots of social groups and events coming up Cheshire Cheese
- Crewe Arts Development Programme, Crewe Art Trail - - is taking place 14th – 16th February so I have attached the link with all the events, activities, artworks and displays that people can come and see and get involved with including some free workshops and lots more Crewe Arts Development Programme - Crewe Town Council
- Community Hub, Gilchrist Avenue, Macclesfield – weekly crafts starting again each week from 10am on a Thursday and Friday.
- Cheshire East SEND Partnership, Poynton – Local Offer Market place event being hosted at Poynton Library on the 11thFebruary please see the poster with further details
- The Lake District, Calvert Trust – I sometimes like to share their newsletters with all the information about there weekend breaks and holidays accessible to all for anyone who may want to plan a holiday there is lots coming up.
- Space4autism – have shared their What’s on guides for February lots to look forward to please follow the attached information What's on at Space4Autism in February 2025? They have a number of parent/carer courses coming up over the next few months, check out their Training Programme Brochure here and email training@space4autism.org if you would like more information and to book. Their next fundraiser is our Virtual Quiz night, check out their What's on Guides for information. Join them for a fun evening by clicking here. The Family Funday is coming a little earlier this year and will be in May, the details can be found in their What's on Guides. If you would like to book your tickets, please click here. They can't wait to see you all there! Have you ever thought about joining their volunteer team? They are currently recruiting for volunteers for various roles and with varying commitment, from those that can help on a weekly basis with things such as social clubs, reception, cafe etc, to those that are looking to help on a more ad hoc basis with things such as events and fundraisers. to enquire please email volunteer@space4autism.org.
- Green Angels, Volunteer Morning – please see the attached poster shared with their volunteer morning at Hassall Green Nature Reserve open to everyone to get involved.
- Blacksmith Arms, Macclesfield – are opening their doors every Friday in February to their community between 9am -11.15am for complimentary hot drinks for anybody who wishes to go along.
- Bridgend Centre, Bollington, Games Night – please see the attached poster with details of the game’s night coming up in March with pizza and lots of fun to be had.
- One You, Healthy Living Programme – they have relaunched the service and this is open to all residents across Cheshire East that meet criteria for support and help with the free programmes they have on offer please see the attached information for more details.
- Holmes Chapel Community Newsletter – please follow this link https://www.hcpartnership.org.uk/community-newsletter to see what is coming up in your local area including local groups and activities for everyone to get involved with.
- Silky Sundays Disco – don’t forget that the disco’s at the Packhorse on Westminster Road, Macclesfield are back for February from 7-9pm. They are taking place on the 9th and 16th February and on the 16th, it is their Valentines Disco so please feel free to wear something red. As usual, there will be chip butties and raffle prizes on offer £2.00 entrance fee.
- Higher Farm, Mindful Mondays – please see the attached poster with details of their opportunity to spend time with animals and have a cuppa each Monday between 2.30pm – 4pm.
- Pub Quiz, Stapeley – please see the attached poster with details on a pub quiz that take place every second Tuesday of the month.
- Youth Fed - are running a drop-in service for any young person aged between 8 and 25-year-old in Cheshire East that is experiencing mild to moderate mental ill health such as anxiety and panic attacks. This is at the Monks Coppenhall Family Hub in Crewe. We have attached the information.
Regular updates included.
- SUSO – I have shared the calendar for February with all the activities for you to have a look at.
- Wishing Well – I have included their Let’s Get Social Thursday Evening activities for February for you to have a look at, but they have also shared their Valentines Disco they have coming up on the 13thFebruary they would love to see everyone.
- Time out Group – have shared with us this week’s activities.
Cost of living help and support
IMPORTANT LINK Cost of living (cheshireeast.gov.uk)
Have a good week everyone and stay safe.
Kind Regards
Sarah Jacklin | Local Area Co-Ordinator | Adult Social Care Learning Disability and Preparing for Adulthood Team
Cheshire East Council | Adults, Health and Integration Directorate
Floor 2, Macclesfield Town Hall, Macclesfield, SK10 1EA