Data Headlines

Curriculum and Assessment at Springfield School

Curriculum Paths

All pupils starting in reception will start on the EYFS curriculum and will be baselined through the year to identify which pathway they will follow when moving to Key Stage 1. Pupils who join school after reception will be baselined on admission to identify the appropriate pathway to follow. There are four curriculum paths, these may change as pupils progress.


Curriculum Path



Red Curriculum Path


Engagement Model (KS1&2)

Sensory Transition Challenge (KS3&4))


Green Curriculum Path

Lower SLD

Pre Key Stage Standards


Blue Curriculum Path

Higher SLD / MLD

National Curriculum Amended (KS1,2 &3)

Accreditation (KS4)

 Yellow Curriculum Path

 Sensory / Communication / ASD



 Each curriculum path has a specific curriculum for each Key Stage - please see separate document’s (Primary Curriculum Path, Secondary and Sixth form Curriculum paths for further details)