Student Absence
If your child is poorly can you please phone 01270 691900 and let Admin know that your child will be off school that day and, if you can give a rough estimate, when they may be able to return. There is an answerphone with that number, please leave student name and brief description as to why they will be absent that day. If it will be more than a few days if you could phone into school and let us know or alternatively Eschools a message, search for ADMIN TEAM in the message box on Eschools.
Student Absence for Medical Appointment (DR, Opticians, wheelchair assessment etc.)
If you could please phone school on 01270 691900 or Eschool a message to ADMIN TEAM and let us know the day of the appointment, if it's morning or afternoon appointment and whether you still require a lunch for the student.
Messages for Class
If you need to speak to your child’s class teacher please ring before 8.30am or after 3.30pm, after this time any non-urgent messages will be passed on to Class teacher by Admin. You can contact via Eschools your child’s class teacher at any time during the day, but they will not be able to reply until the end of the school day.
If your child is going to be absent could you please ring Transport Services Solution on 0300 123 5012 and inform them as early as possible. To ensure security for letters and correspondence please note that they should be given to the driver/escort on the bus/taxi, the driver/escort will put them in a plastic wallet and pass them to our Transport Co-Ordinator who will pass them onto the Admin Team. Likewise, if school needs to send letters to parent they will be given to driver/escort to give to parents.
Any Medication that is sent into school will be recorded “in” and “out” of school by the Transport Co-Ordinator. Please note that medication that is not required daily and pre-arranged, could you please notify the School Nurse, as medication such as Antibiotics need to be kept in the fridge. Please do not put any medication into your child’s school bag, give it directly to the driver/escort.
Dinner Money
Please see leaflet in your Starter Pack regarding Free School Meals. Foundation, Y1, Y2 qualify for Universal Free School Meals, so you do not need to pay for meals, or you can send your child in with a packed lunch. Primary Meals cost £2.30 (Y3 to Y6) Secondary Meals cost £2.50. Dinner money should be paid via the ParentPay online payment system at the start of each week. This can be paid weekly, monthly or termly.
Please note that Foundation, Y1 & Y2 students may still be able to qualify for Pupil Premium, please see leaflet in Starter Pack.
Please do not hesitate to contact anyone in the Admin Department if you have a query on any matter.
If your child is poorly can you please phone 01270 691900 and let Admin know that your child will be off school that day and, if you can give a rough estimate, when they may be able to return. There is an answerphone with that number, please leave student name and brief description as to why they will be absent that day. If it will be more than a few days if you could phone into school and let us know or alternatively Eschools a message, search for ADMIN TEAM in the message box on Eschools.
Student Absence for Medical Appointment (DR, Opticians, wheelchair assessment etc.)
If you could please phone school on 01270 691900 or Eschool a message to ADMIN TEAM and let us know the day of the appointment, if it's morning or afternoon appointment and whether you still require a lunch for the student.
Messages for Class
If you need to speak to your child’s class teacher please ring before 8.30am or after 3.30pm, after this time any non-urgent messages will be passed on to Class teacher by Admin. You can contact via Eschools your child’s class teacher at any time during the day, but they will not be able to reply until the end of the school day.
If your child is going to be absent could you please ring Transport Services Solution on 0300 123 5012 and inform them as early as possible. To ensure security for letters and correspondence please note that they should be given to the driver/escort on the bus/taxi, the driver/escort will put them in a plastic wallet and pass them to our Transport Co-Ordinator who will pass them onto the Admin Team. Likewise, if school needs to send letters to parent they will be given to driver/escort to give to parents.
Any Medication that is sent into school will be recorded “in” and “out” of school by the Transport Co-Ordinator. Please note that medication that is not required daily and pre-arranged, could you please notify the School Nurse, as medication such as Antibiotics need to be kept in the fridge. Please do not put any medication into your child’s school bag, give it directly to the driver/escort.
Dinner Money
Please see leaflet in your Starter Pack regarding Free School Meals. Foundation, Y1, Y2 qualify for Universal Free School Meals, so you do not need to pay for meals, or you can send your child in with a packed lunch. Primary Meals cost £2.30 (Y3 to Y6) Secondary Meals cost £2.50. Dinner money should be paid via the ParentPay online payment system at the start of each week. This can be paid weekly, monthly or termly.
Please note that Foundation, Y1 & Y2 students may still be able to qualify for Pupil Premium, please see leaflet in Starter Pack.
Please do not hesitate to contact anyone in the Admin Department if you have a query on any matter.