Please find the most recent Ofsted Report below from 2019, for previous reports please follow:
To see our School's Performance tables please follow:
“The school fully meets its vision of ‘Excellence through Effort’. There were no areas for improvement at their last inspection, but there has been no complacency since then in this inspirational school’. Ofsted November 2013
A very detailed submission outlining the science provision at Springfield. The children experience a wide range of exciting science experiences aimed at promoting their development through multi-sensory and memorable approaches. The science leaders maximise opportunities to enrich learning – there are too many to include! (GOLD Primary Science Quality Mark - May 2018)
This report is just a snapshot of the continuing hard work of the staff at Springfield school to ensure that every child is given every opportunity to fulfil their potential. There are no concerns about the school’s ability to meet any of the criteria within the Quality Mark elements when the renewal next becomes due. (Basic Skills Report - April 2018)
Without doubt, the culture within Springfield School is highly centred round their vision of “Excellence through Effort”. The School has created a workforce who are engaged, empowered and focused on delivering their part toward the common ambition and this has produced high quality provision within ever more challenging conditions. (GOLD Investors in People December 2017)