Mrs Amanda Leigh
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Crewe
Mrs Kim Cepeda-Wilson
Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Crewe
Mrs Fiona Hartley
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Wilmslow
Mrs Kirsty Arthur
Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Wilmslow
Mrs Lisa Hodgkison
Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Crewe & Wilmslow
The safeguarding of children is our key priority at Springfield School.
The school has a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at each site. This is Amanda Leigh at Springfield Crewe and Fiona Hartley at Springfield Wilmslow. In addition we also have three Deputy Safeguarding Leads. These are Lisa Hodgkison, Executive Headteacher, Kim Cepeda-Wilson, Head of School (Crewe) and Kirsty Arthur, Head of School (Wilmslow).
All staff working within the school have a current DBS which is a certificate issued following a search through police records. DBS details are recorded on the Central Register which is constantly updated and records of references and qualifications are maintained along side.
Staff have regular updates of safeguarding training and more in-depth training for certain staff with management responsibilities. When we recruit new staff, we check to make sure that they are suitable to work with children and we follow the guidelines of safe recruitment. All new staff have a safeguarding briefing as part of their induction.
All adults wear a lanyard whilst on school site. Our pupils are regularly reminded what each of the colours worn mean.
A Green lanyard is worn by any member of staff who is on our school payroll.
A Purple lanyard is worn by agency staff who have their DBS registered with the school. Examples include Physiotherapists, Speech and Language team, Occupational therapists.
An Orange lanyard is worn by our contracted supply staff who have their DBS registered with the school.
A Red lanyard denotes a visitor to the school. They will always be accompanied by Springfield staff.
One of the Governors has a specific role and responsibility for Safeguarding matters and is able to report and advise the full Governing Body. The Safeguarding Governor is a member of the Behaviour, Safety & Care sub committee which as part of the committee’s remit is to scrutinise safeguarding procedures. Our Safeguarding governor is Karin Stringer.
If there is any dissatisfaction with the effectiveness of safeguarding, these should be raised with the Executive Headteacher or Head of Schools, or to the safeguarding Governor or put more formally through the school’s own complaints procedure.
We are an Operation Encompass School
British Values at Springfield School.
At Springfield School the importance of British values, such as fairness, respect for others and democracy is taught through our Personal, Social and Health Education lessons, in other curricular areas and in whole school celebration assemblies.
We aim to introduce concepts such as democracy and the rule of law in a way which is developmentally sensible to our pupils’ level of communication and understanding. We focus on an understanding of our place in the school community, in our local area and in the United Kingdom as a whole.
The School Council have met and discussed and agreed school rules which are being displayed around school. The School Council also helped plan a British Values Day which was very successful. Please take a look at the parents Safeguarding Newsletters for more information and photos.
We also now have a British Values electronic folder on the shared system.