Secondary and Sixth Form Curriculum

Secondary Department
 Click above to find information for parents/carers of new students to the Secondary department.

Secondary Department

Curriculum paths 

There are four separate paths in the secondary department which are tailored to the needs and ability of the pupils studying. 

  •       The Red Curriculum Path is designed around pupils with profound and multiple learning disabilities and focuses on a sensory accreditation through Transition Challenge in which all subjects are delivered through also a focus on the MOVE (Mobility Opportunities Via Education) MOVE covers posture, sitting, working, standing, moving as well as transitions between these situations.
  •       The Green Curriculum Path is intended for pupils with SLD, focusing on core subjects but also can include forest school, flexi days and work experience.
  •       The Blue Curriculum Path is designed for higher ability learners with SLD who will also focus on core subjects but also includes forest school, flexi days and work experience at a higher level.
  •       The Yellow Curriculum Path is designed for pupils with specific communication and/or sensory needs and includes work on communication, leisure activities, independence, and the world around them.

Please see the document below for a specific break down. 

Preferred Learning

The secondary curriculum continues to teach in Preferred Learning groups 50% of the timetable subjects of PE, Science, Maths, English and Computing.

Depending on the Cohort of pupils for KS4 will determine whether we will be delivering Entry Level in that subject or continue with the National Curriculum development.

In KS4 the focus moves towards accreditation, through Transition Challenge, Functional Skills and Aim qualifications.

  •       At KS3 pupils follow the National Curriculum schemes of work further differentiated by our subject coordinators.
  •       Assessment – KS4 and KS3 assessment is through accreditation and the curriculum is assessed through Evidence for Learning. 

Flexi Days

Flexi days continue to be taught in KS3 where pupils will cover a wide range of foundation subjects. Subject coordinators maintain a record of end of topic levels for moderation. 

Other Subjects

Music has a discrete teaching block on the timetable and counts towards pupil’s enrichment.


PSHE is not taught as a discreet subject but is covered in all areas of the curriculum on a daily basis. 

 Forest school

Forest school has now taken off in the school and affords pupils time and space to express themselves in different ways as well encouraging them to spend some quality time outside. Pupils take part in many activities such as den building, fire starting, outdoor cooking, tree identification and more. This also provides a good environment for discussing, Well being, Mental Health and anxiety for some of our pupils. 

Work ex

Our Work Experience programme is delivered by an external company (Safe Opportunities) and offers support to pupils not only with the finding of placements themselves, but also the theory work back at school. The ultimate goal is for the pupils to travel and attend these work placements on their own, but for some of who this is not a realistic goal, it offers the experience of a real life workplace. Our goal at Springfield, where possible, is not to prepare pupils for work but to help them gain employment by the time they leave school if this is their goal.

Residentials are always a pupil highlight in the year. Pupils in KS3 often attend an outdoor education centre for two nights while those in KS4 go on a city break in the UK. 

Sixth Form

Sixth Form Curriculum

We are delighted to launch our new Sixth Form Prospectus, which should tell you everything you need to know about Sixth Form at Springfield School.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Moving on to The Springboard Project

Our newest offering is The Springboard Project, a Supported Internship Programme for 16+ year olds with an EHCP.  Some of our students move on from our sixth form to The Springboard Project and we welcome applications from students from other schools.  Visit our website for more information.